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Revolver Roulette released!

The team

I sincerely thank Rekutami for making and texturing the amazing revolver model and Milspecy for animating it. The game wouldn't play half as good without their work!

I also thank myself for actually finishing this game despite the fact it was only us three.

The game released!

After 19 days of hard work the game is finally out. It's time for me to put down my trusty keyboard and mouse and take a well deserved rest.

How it went

I'll be honest - it was a very rocky road. I started making the game with the contest having 19 days left. About 50% of it was pure pain, but the other 50% were me blasting through adding major features with ease. Some of the S&box bugs made me cut down on some cool features that I planned to add. I think that this game jam came way too early, but that being said I don't regret a second of working on Revolver Roulette
I managed to work around most S&box bugs, but some remain - such as the garbled bones bug. They are not real, they won't hurt you. I promise.

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