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New update: In-game UI refactor, hit detection, and more!

After discovering one very major issue causing UI to lock and throw, the approach in handling player UI had to be changed. This update is doing exactly that.


In-game UI refactor

Pawn UI is now spawned separately on a dedicated GameObject with its own screen panel component.
Pawn UI prefab screen panel component removal.

PawnUIManager for handling UI and UI related events

Creation of UI objects for pawns.
Removal of every UI object.
Removal of a certain UI object belonging to a particular pawn.


Status text not appearing sometimes (needs more testing).
UI freeze and the exception throw on having an active razor component with the ```pointer-events: all``` property when a new screen panel is created (for now, no new screen panels are created while the game is running).


Hit detection improvements

Trace start vector tweak (it starts at the EyePosition for now).
Trace radius is now larger (should make it easier to hit someone).

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