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Update 1

New stuff. Bugs squashed


We are still working on many features and will continue to fix, add and optimize many different facets of the game, Wetwork isn't going anywhere.  If you have any feedback, issues, want to talk about the game or hear about its development can join our discord server here:

Just send a message in #wetwork-discussion and let us know what you think!

First Update Post-Release

It's been a crazy month and even a crazier weekend as we finished up and shipped the game.  Many compromises had to be made to get it out the door in a good state, but it was well worth it seeing the overall positive response to the game.  

Even after we released it on Saturday morning we have been working to add new features, optimize where we can and fix as many issues as soon as possible.  This post is a log of all the things we have fixed or added to the game since the initial release.

Update 1 Patch-Notes

- New chat box so you can communicate with your fellow mercs while attempting each mission

- Brand new menu ui

- Volume slider for music added to the options menu

- Lowered default music volume (sorry)

- Added various zombie skins that will randomly be applied to the creatures in the level.

- Balanced and added quality of life changes to the gunplay, like auto reloading when you 
run out of ammo and switching weapons with scroll wheel

- Various level fixes and optimizations

- Various enemy ai fixes and optimizations

- Performance optimizations

- Fixed miscellaneous bugs and errors

User Comments

pizza pasta
3 Months Ago
very informative!
3 Months Ago
This is great!
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Flounder above