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Plates Mayhem

Survive everything thrown at you (WIP)

A round-based survival game heavily based on Plates of Fate: Mayhem (Roblox - Created by DylanBuildar) / Plates of Fate: Remastered (Roblox - Created by Zephy and Supermushroom8).

The goal of Plates Mayhem is to be the last player standing by surviving anything and everything the game (and other players) throws at you.

Current supported events:
High gravity
Increases the gravity level

Low gravity
Decreases the gravity level

Sticky Plates
Black sludge takes over select plates making movement difficult on them.

Lava Spinner
A lava spinner will spawn on selected plates. This beam (adjusted to the scale of the plate) will spin constantly. Any players who come in contact with it will be damaged.

Grow Event
Selected plates will grow by a random percentage.

Shrink Event
Selected plates will shrink by a random percentage.

Plate Swap
Selected plates will switch positions along with any afflictions attached to the plates.

Selected plates will spawn a landmine that will detonate if a player steps on it. Other plate events (such as explosions and lava spinners) may also trip the mine.

Barrel Rain
Explosive barrels will rain from the sky at random points in the arena.

Plates Mayhem is a work in progress and more will be added to it over time.

Credits -
DylanBuildar, Zephy, Supermushroom8 for concepts/ideas in their work on the Roblox community

Plates Mayhem

Survive everything thrown at you

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