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Number of Ship Explosions

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
ducc This Week 247
Alex Last Month 30
ImGtc This Year 21
Journeyman H. This Week 20
Gonchia This Year 18
Snips This Year 17
input lag understander This Year 15
Wolfie Yesterday 13
Helk Last Month 12
Stakker Western Guy This Year 9
GrizZ Last Month 9
ERROR Last Month 9
LeDernierPoisson Last Month 8
Happy Days Recently 7
Sosse This Year 7
Emiko Last Month 6
spidi This Year 6
Foxbaten This Year 6
Eraziell This Year 5
SkewiK Last Month 5