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Ski Distance

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Jase A Long Time Ago 249583.86354607344
Just Harry A Long Time Ago 147039.21137434244
NvGBoink A Long Time Ago 92010.5165348649
Foahr A Long Time Ago 71179.726811409
Bounty A Long Time Ago 70307.260394454
Hunter A Long Time Ago 64687.66058897972
The G-Man A Long Time Ago 49756.65331053734
Lou A Long Time Ago 45206.20408320427
Flossyahova A Long Time Ago 38355.55842512846
jayden_Lucas2003 A Long Time Ago 35812.427531301975
dukeworth A Long Time Ago 32326.323676526546
Bwak A Long Time Ago 30812.967438578606
conna This Year 23334.450879633427
TheCrispyAcorn This Year 23035.09396326542
Ultra Capitalist A Long Time Ago 18866.42213100195
Blush A Long Time Ago 17756.60868024826
Sir Scott Pilgrim A Long Time Ago 17330.95611423254
TAIREX This Year 16363.160916686058
the design is very human A Long Time Ago 16137.57600080967
The Cube A Long Time Ago 16079.856083929539