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Discord API

Supported broadcasting services

- Websocket
- Client websocket


This library has been made to manage / announce your server
informations to a discord server and vice versa.

Installation (package referencing)

First of all you have to add the library reference to your gamemode
 - S&Box editor →
 - Right click on your gamemode →
 - Project Settings →
 - Packages →
 - Click on + and enter (mbk.discord_api) without ```( )``

Whitelist of URI'S

Now we need to add the api uri's to the whitelist of your gamemode
 - S&Box editor →
 - Right click on your gamemode →
 - Project Settings →
 - Http →
 - Click on + and enter ( also (wss:// without the ```( )```

Configuration (In-Game)

And finally
 - Open the UI in the game →
 - Go to Token page and set up your token →
 - If you want to use the webhook service instead, go to the event page and configure them by your taste.


There is already by default game events hooked such as Client Connect & Client Left.

Everything is customisable the UI Settings by pressing 'Slot9' key.

This library is still in massive development so if you encounter any problems, you are free to make a issue.

Discord API

In Collections
Referenced By