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About the TTT Idiot Role

The Idiot role is a traitor role, they just don't know it yet! The Idiot starts out seeing "Innocent" as their team, but after a certain amount of time has passed it is revealed to them that they are in fact the Idiot and thus, part of team traitor! The traitor buddies of the idiot also don't get to see that he is actually their ally until it is also revealed to the idiot himself. This allows for more interesting rounds as traitors will have to think twice before killing people in the early game, and the Idiot could potentially kill a traitor buddy before they know that they are also part of team Traitor!

With this addon enabled there is a 25% chance every round that a random traitor gets turned into an idiot. This chance is configurable via the convar idiot_role_chance. The time to reveal is 80-100 seconds, but the randomness and length of this is also configurable with convars idiot_time_to_reveal and idiot_reveal_offset.

Mainly developed by Basiq

TTT Idiot Role

Idiot Role for TTT

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